Els efectes de l'ús de les pantalles a la infància

Comas Contreras, Anna
Digital screens have become a great ally for children when it comes to distract them in any situation. From an early age, they are already experts in smartphones, tablets, television and later, consoles and computers. Leaving electronic devices to them for some time can be beneficial for their development, but excessive use can have very negative consequences for them. This study aims to investigate how children use electronic devices, how these may affect their emotional and behavioral regulation, and how aware parents are of the effects these may have on their children. To do this, a questionnaire with descriptive questions about the screen time and use at the childhood, with the SDQ questionnaire and some items of the Brief-2 (family version) have been made. The results obtained show that children use screens more than recommended, that this has effects on emotional symptoms and on children’s emotional regulation, and that parents are aware of the adverse effects that excessive use of screens can have. Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue researching on the consequences of uncontrolled use of electronic devices, and to inform people of them, because although there is awareness about it, many children and adolescents have become addicted to new technology. ​
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