Universidades 360: la vinculación de tiempos, espacios y agentes sociales, educativos y comunitarios = 360 Universities. Bridging social, educational and community agents across settings and time

The objective of this article is to describe and illustrate the "Universities 360 project", which has the purpose of identifying, developing and evaluating experiences in higher education that involve close collaboration with the environment. The alliance and vision of 'Education 360 - full-time education' stands as a hermeneutical framework of the proposal regarding the principles of learning throughout life, as well as the need to articulate social, educational and community agents across time and settings to promote sense learning with high both personal and social values. In particular, twelve experiences are illustrated that involve the implementation of different strategies (co-teaching, co-design, service-learning, challenge-based learning) aimed at contextualizing educational practice. This proposal is discussed in the framework of recent UNESCO reports around the consideration of education as a global public and common good, in addition to the need to establish new consensus and social agreements in education ​
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