La estadística y la probabilidad en el currículo de educación primaria: un estudio comparativo
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The presence of statistics in the Primary Education curricula of Colombia and the United States is analysed. Firstly, a global overview of the presence of statistics in the different school stages is shown; secondly, through the technique of content analysis, the Primary Education curricula of both countries are compared. The analysis is carried out between 6 and 10 years of age, which is the age range considered in the Colombian education system for this stage, and taking into consideration the stages of the statistical research cycle, known as the PPDAC cycle: problem, plan, data, analysis and conclusion. The results show more similarities than differences, as both curricula consider these stages, although with some differences in relation to the age at which they are addressed or the level of depth. It is concluded that both curricula emphasise the importance of statistics education as part of the literacy that every person should possess in order to cope with the academic, social, economic, political and work situations that arise today