La prueba de los motivos discriminatorios según la Corte Suprema argentina: ¿cómo mejorar su regulación?

Giles, Alejo Joaquín
Minatta, Olivia
In discrimination cases, proving the discriminatory intent can be a difficult task. Inspired by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Supreme Court of Argentina created a rule that tries to make the task easier for plaintiffs. However, there are relevant differences in the way civil procedure is regulated in both countries. Particularly, the opportunities to introduce evidence and readjust the pleadings are more limited in the Argentinian context. This diminishes the rule’s potential to fulfill its goal, namely to help plaintiffs to prove their case. After delving into the specifics of the problem, this article aims at providing two alternative solutions. First, to better define the burdens of proof allocated to each of the parties. Second, to reassess some aspects of Argentinian civil procedure ​
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