Voltear para repensar: reflexiones tecnopedagógicas sobre una experiencia Flipped Learning en la formación de Maestros = Flipping to Rethink: Technopedagogical Reflections on a Flipped Learning Experience in Teacher Education

Rethinking the learning process in higher education subjects with a markedly reflective nature in teacher training opens the door to the implementation of an flipped learning strategy, in which readings and videos anticipate students' first contact with the relevant concepts, in order to then problematise them dialogically during the face-to-face class. In this paper we analyse a FL implementation during the academic years 2019/20 and 2021/22, based on a student satisfaction questionnaire (N=294), their semester grades and the data on the consumption of technological resources; and it allows us to validate the proposal, which is particularly favourable for students who regularly attend and participate in classes, and confirms that the increase in workloads is not excessive from their perspective. Likewise, the relationship between the face-to-face class and the proposed digital educational resources is analysed, and it is concluded that, far from supplanting it, these digital resources complement and reinforce the class dynamics (also in a more intense way for those who attend and participate more) ​
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