L'impacte de la violència masclista en els fills i les filles: el paper de l'escola segons l'alumnat = El impacto de la violencia machista en los hijos e hijas: el papel de la escuela según el alumnado = The impact of gender-based violence on sons and daughters: the role of schools according to the pupils
In the face of the ongoing problem of gender-based violence and the impact it has on children, the research project WeAreHere!, on which this article is based, recognises and encourages the role that children and adolescents can play in explaining problems occurring in their family environment, and in seeking support for themselves and their families. The aim of the project is to contribute to the early detection of this violence from a school setting and establish a model for action involving the pupils’ voice. To this end, in the framework of the research, six expert groups were created, made up of children and adolescents aged 10 to 16 from six towns in Catalonia. The main instrument developed was a questionnaire completed by 3,650 children taking the last three years of primary education and all four years of compulsory secondary education, from a total of 106 schools in Catalonia. The results obtained describe their understanding of gender-based violence and the best ways, in their view, to get information and help. The results identify a series of obstacles when a situation of gender-based violence at home is reported at school and point towards how children could be helped and so come to form part of the solution to the problem. The children acknowledge the role of schools as an information source, but set priorities between who can help them and how. The research is intended to clarify the mechanisms in order to render this help and guidance effective
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