Personalidad psicopática y conducta antisocial en población penitenciaria penada. Estudio de los mecanismos de desconexión moral, la inteligencia emocional y la psicopatología asociada

Among the dysfunctional personality patterns, one of the most unknown in the prison context is the psychopathic personality. While there are numerous studies describing the characteristics and manifestations of the psychopathic personality, current research focuses on analysing the psychological processes that underlie their typical thinking and behaviour, such as morality and emotional processing. So far, the results are highly controversial. In this direction, in this work we propose to examine the relationship between psychopathic personality, moral disengagement (MD) and emotional intelligence (EI), with the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding of the nature of these peculiar personality patterns and how they are associated with antisocial behaviour. In addition, we intend to analyse the totality of dysfunctional personality patterns and psychopathology associated with criminal behaviour, as well as two involved conducts: violence and reincarceration. Participants were 63 convicted offenders (44 men and 19 women) who were serving sentences for a wide range of crimes in three different prisons in Catalonia and who voluntarily answered a wide battery of psychometric instruments. Confidentiality protocols established by the Department of Penitentiary Institutions of Catalonia were respected and followed at all stages. Main results point to a psychopathic personality profile using moral disengagement mechanisms to justify aversive or antisocial behaviour. These individuals also show deficits in emotional intelligence abilities, although their emotional comprehension of themselves and others is not impaired. The dehumanisation mechanism as well as the sadistic personality pattern are shown to be two key factors in the explanation and discrimination of extreme psychopathic personality traits. The results suggest that dark personalities are closely related to MD and EI to the psychopathic personality, with the exception of the narcissistic personality, which adopts a different direction. Finally, in relation to the analysis of recidivist behaviour, we highlight the important role of moral disengagement mechanisms and psychopathological variables in its prediction. The identification and understanding of dysfunctional personality patterns and psychopathology associated with antisocial behaviour has allowed us to identify potential risk factors associated with offending, violence and recidivism. Furthermore, understanding these patterns of thinking and behaviour underlying dark personalities will provide with new tools for the identification, development and implementation of appropriate prevention and intervention strategies and programmes. ​
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