Model for analysing resilient practices within a community: resilient children, youth and communities

Llosada Gistau, Joan
Trull-Oliva, Carme
Gallart Mir, Judit
Úcar, Xavier
Corbella Molina, Laura
Practical guide for the analysis of resilient practices based on theoretical approaches and research findings. The starting point has been the research project “Resilient children, youth and communities: identifying and analysing social and educational practices from a multidimensional and intersectional perspective to address the pandemic” (AGAUR, ref. 2020PANDE00166). Winning project in the call PANDÈMIES 2020 organised by AGAUR of the Government of Catalonia, focused on the population of children and young people in five territories of Catalonia: Celrà, Ciutat Vella District of Barcelona, Girona, Olot and Palafrugell ​
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