Evaluación del conocimiento para enseñar álgebra temprana durante la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Infantil
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The objective of this study is to present the process of construction and validation of an instrument to evaluate the preservice teachers' knowledge to teach early algebra from the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) model. This process consists of five phases: 1) review of the literature on teachers' knowledge to teach mathematics from the perspective of MKT and the teaching of early algebra; 2) analysis of the treatment given to early algebra in the Early Childhood Education curriculum and textbooks; 3) construction of the initial version of the instrument; 4) validation of the instrument through expert judgement and a pilot test; and 5) adjustments and construction of the final version of the instrument. As a result, the MKT-Early Algebra Questionnaire (3-6) has been obtained, made up of six openended items that allow us to deepen our knowledge in order to teach the mathematical contents that characterise early algebra in Early Childhood Education: relations based on the recognition of attributes, serialisation based on patterns of repetition and description of qualitative and quantitative changes. It is concluded that the application of this instrument can serve as a guide to support the training process for Early Childhood Education teachers in early algebra