¿Aprender, Compartir, Contribuir? Perspectivas de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual sobre su Participación en Investigaciones
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The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the value of the contributions they can make to well-being and diversity and, therefore, the active role they should play in research related to their lives. In 2012, the Diversity Research Group of the University of Girona set up an Advisory Committee composed by people with intellectual disabilities. Up to now, 35 people have integrated this Committee, participating in advisory, collaboration and research management activities on disability. This article shows what it meant for these people to participate in research processes. More than 380 documents produced over nine years (minutes and transcripts of meetings, videos, presentations, etc.) have been analyzed. Participants positively value sharing experiences, learning, socializing, and working on issues relevant to their lives in a context of respect for their contributions. They also value, although with less emphasis, their contribution to knowledge about disability. The study reveals the need to involve advisers in knowledge mobilization actions aimed at the professional field and social policies to value the necessary role that they have for social change