Informació sanitària en llengües de la immigració: estratègies comunicatives de les institucions catalanes durant la COVID-19

This article examines institutional communications between the public administrations and the public in Catalonia arising as a result of the COVID-19 emergency. After reviewing the treatment contemplated for linguistic and cultural minorities within the framework of the West in general and Catalonia in particular, it examines the communication strategies followed by a number of Catalan institutions. The need to quickly and effectively engage the largest audience possible has led to administrations making additional efforts and mobilising a broad and varied range of resources. Although significant efforts have been made to reach the non-native-speaking population, and spoken and written materials have been produced in a wide variety of non-official languages, the measures implemented have been uneven and the outcome has not always been optimal: many materials have not been culturally adapted and some languages are under-represented compared with the number of their speakers in Catalonia. This being the case, the article suggests reviewing the multilingual strategies employed and exchanging experiences at a local and national level to be in a position to effectively map out a co-ordinated strategy even more closely in line with the realities of the territory and of its people ​
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