Beneficis del dejú intermitent en la prevenció de malalties cardiovasculars: revisió bibliogràfica

Baghdadi Barhdadi, Imane
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, with an increasing incidence each year. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet can reduce the risk factors associated with this condition. For this reason, many studies have conducted research on the popular diet of intermittent fasting, which consists of an energy restriction for specific periods of time, usually 12 hours or more. The use of intermittent fasting diet is becoming an intervention with promising results, but it must be accompanied by Health care professionals in order for it to be an effective intervention. Objectives: To determine the benefits of intermittent fasting in reducing the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. To Analyze the impact of intermittent fasting on clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters related to cardiovascular disease ​
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