La competencia matemática en el currículo español de Educación Primaria
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The recent curricular reform of Primary Education in Spain incorporates several changes that need to be analysed. Although the competence approach is not new, it is the first time that specific competences have been defined for each subject. This change provides functionality, since the generality of the key competences was not practical. In this article we start by drawing a literature review to delimit the meaning of 'mathematical competence'. Then, we analyse its presence in the curriculum, both in the stage profiles that are configured in relation to the key competencies, and through the specific competencies and their evaluation criteria. In addition, we point out the relationship of some of these specific competences with the mathematical senses, current 'content blocks', but more flexible and interconnected. The analysis carried out offers an interpretation of the new primary mathematics curriculum that may be interesting for anyone who is interested in an approach to teaching mathematics through problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections and representation of mathematical ideas, also considering the socio-affective domain and what it implies. At the same time, we point out those aspects that may result confusing and we elaborate a constructive critic that opens new lines of research, hoping that may serve as inspiration for the last level of curricular specification: educational centreS