Orientaciones didácticas para introducir la modelización matemática temprana en Educación Infantil
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Various teaching guidelines are described and exemplified to introduce early mathematical modelling in Early Childhood Education, thus promoting teaching based on interpreting and working mathematically with the environment, as opposed to a more decontextualised and procedural teaching. To this end, the article is structured in three parts: in the first part, several key ideas for early mathematical modelling are described; in the second part, guidelines for the design, implementation and evaluation of early mathematical modelling activities in Early Childhood Education are described; and finally, in the third part, an example of an early mathematical modelling activity implemented with a group of 21 5-year-old children is shown. It is concluded that the implementation of modelling activities throughout schooling can help students to make sense of mathematics, as well as to become aware of its diversity of applications in the real world