El aprendizaje basado en retos y los procesos cocreativos para mejorar la formación de maestros

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The initial formation of teachers at the moment requires to be transformed to adapt it to the social new necessities. In the article it is approached the design, application and evaluation of the Based Learning in Challenges (APR) and the implementation of processes co-creatives, with the purpose of preparing the students so that they think about challenges that will confront in their professional future, so that they can approach any thematic one educational treating her as a challenge to overcome and implying other educational agents. The above-mentioned led to design the application of the challenges and to transform the evaluation systems. At methodological level, the boarding of the challenges was conceived in different phases, from how they choose them, the composition of the work teams, its development and its public presentation. As for the evaluation system transformations were introduced in the exams when substituting them for other instruments, such as evaluation rubrics as much for the faculty as for the students or a DAFO, with the objective of impacting in the critical and reflexive formation. The results and conclusions, were centered in different remote and in relationship the acquired experience from 2017 in which 639 students have participated, developing 198 challenges related with different thematic. ​
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