El cuerpo en espacios públicos brasileños: un estudio en dos plazas de Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais, desde la perspectiva educativa. O corpo em espaços públicos brasileiros: um estudo em duas praças de Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais, a partir da perspectiva educativa
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This thesis proposes to analyze how the space of the Raul Soares and Liberdade squares, in the city of Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil, is manifested by their different bodies, especially through the practices that they produce from the perspective of non-formal education. It also brings looks with an emphasis on the actions that the bodies reproduce in these places to the interests of work, violence and sexuality. To this end, it was intended to discuss the historical, cultural and social perspectives of these public squares and how the relations between the body and its appropriation of space by members of the city are processed in them. Understanding that the square is a social space that is kept alive by human manifestations, and that through the interventions of its users codes are created in the city and beyond, it is also specifically intended to analyze how the interactions of the characters in the squares are related with the formation of knowledge, moving away from the understanding of this learning based on the prescribed curricula, considered as schooled; how the communication of the characters in the squares are related to the movements of adaptation and resistance that (re)configure these in contemporary times; and how the public and private apparatus integrate the movements of these places. These two squares were chosen as a study outline because they present themselves in close territorial realities, approximately two kilometers in the central axis of the city, and even so, they manifest themselves in the reality of their use in different ways from each other as far as looks are concerned, of its processes of maintenance, meaning and representation for citizens. The methods of document analysis, bibliographic research was used, and both of these processes remained permeated by ethnographic actions in the two spaces for two and a half years of the research. Among the results achieved, it is noteworthy that the square in the reality of the city is maintained by the creation and recreation of the codes generated by its diverse characters, producing learning processes among its members and the social development of this public place for them, which stand out : those who have the power of public management over places; others who, not having this power, use the squares for leisure; workers in the most diverse possibilities of service offerings; tourists who drive the region's economic machinery; marginal actors who are invisible in part due to various policies applied in the city; and finally, citizens in general, who in their routines integrate the square with a mix of possibilities to exist and resist in it. This work is the result of the partnership established by the Cotutela Process between the Universitat de Girona and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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