Iniciando la modelización matemática temprana en Educación Infantil: ¿Cómo razonan y qué hacen los niños de 3 años?
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Early mathematical modelling, defined as a process that helps to create the first models to analyse, explain and understand reality, is an ideal framework for developing mathematical competence. From this point of view, the activity 'we build houses with pieces of wood', which has been implemented with 20 3-year-old children, is presented. In order to analyse how they reason and what they do during the activity, the Childhood specific indicators of the 'Rubric for the Evaluation of Mathematical Modelling Processes' instrument have been used, which considers the different phases of a modelling cycle. The results show that 3-year-olds begin to develop skills of comprehension, structuring, mathematization, mathematical work, interpretation, validation and exposition and, therefore, create the first concrete models. It is concluded that, in future studies, it is necessary to determine the influence of several variables on children's actions, such as the type of task or the knowledge of the Early Childhood Education teacher to carry out early mathematical modelling activities