El apoyo de las amistades en la vida independiente de las personas con discapacidad intelectual: visiones de autogestores y de profesionales de apoyo = Friends’ Support in the Independent Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Views of Self-Advocates and Support Professionals

Interpersonal relationships significantly influence social inclusion during the transition processes to adult life of people with intellectual disabilities. Having a supportive social network is considered the pinnacle of social inclusion. In order to explore the role of friendships in the independent life processes of people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the role of support professionals, focus groups have been conducted with both people with intellectual disabilities and professionals. The results of this study show the perspective that they have of friendship, as well as the role that they consider that friendships develop in the independent life processes of people with intellectual disabilities, and the role that support professionals play with regard to the promotion of the establishment and maintenance of friendships of people with intellectual disabilities. The design and development of specific actions that allow people with disabilities to identify and/or expand their natural support network is considered necessary ​
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