La formación profesional dual en Ecuador: análisis de la implementación del modelo de aprendizaje dual de la carrera de tecnología en desarrollo infantil integral ofertada por los institutos técnicos y tecnológicos públicos de educación superior

Camacho Oña, Narcisa
When discussing about Dual Vocational Training (Dual VET), it is not enough to highlight the characteristics of the system or the incidence of the learning model and its impact in each context. Conceptually, it has managed to establish itself as a teaching-learning process aimed at combining theoretical and practical elements, within the framework of two simultaneous scenarios: the training center and the companies. This assumption has been changing in recent years, and now companies are considered the basis and connection for the development of Dual VET, as it aims at boosting the productive sector (production of consumer goods and services). In fact, it has also begun to make inroads into the public sector, as a facilitator of certain dual training processes for social cohesion. A review of the scientific literature on this contemporary approach facilitates a reflection on Dual VET from two angles: its insertion (system) and its implementation (model). The first refers to the creation of a dual system as an articulating and integrating axis of actors and processes linked to political, economic, and social management, within the structure of the higher education system. The second has to do with the definition of the dual model as an integrating axis of didactic and pedagogical learning processes, which seeks to promote technical and technological training and specialization. The second aspect is key as it frames the main purpose of this research: to know and analyze how the Dual VET learning model has been implemented in the career of Technology in Integral Child Development (TDII, for its acronym in Spanish) offered by public technical and technological institutes for the professionalization and specialization of human capital, during the period 2013-2017 ​
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