Estilos de liderazgo e implicación docente en secundaria, una aproximación (auto)biográfica
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The forms of leadership in secondary schools are multiple and varied, although currently, the most
innovative trends go through transformative and distributive operating schemes. The main objective
of the article is to explore the relationship between the style of leadership and teacher motivation;
both aspects are seen as complementary components to increase the professional capital of the
centers. We use an (auto)biographical method, and we have taken, as an informant, a professional
in the field, with twenty years of teaching experience, exercising management functions, and with
specific training in center leadership. The narrative extracted from three interviews helps to
rethink the Management Project. A life story is built ("biography", "diagnosis", "mission", "vision and
values"), and dialogue is created to analyse some interpretative aspects. The informant's data is
triangulated with references from current and significant research in the field. After the analysis
one can infer the outstanding importance of the binomial "leadership distribution" and "teaching
motivation". Finally, the strategies and proposals to be implemented are discussed, highlighting
dynamics such as the discussion and consensus of objectives, the collaboration between the entire
school community, and the culture of teamwork. The ultimate purpose of the study is to improve
the context, the experience, and the educational results of the students