La intermedialidad en la literatura: entrevista a Alejandra Torres y Mariona Masgrau Juanola

Kunde, Karo
Piderit, María Fernanda
Text Complet
Alejandra Torres has a PhD and a Bachelor of Arts, is a member of CONICET, a researcher and teacher at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Univer-sidad Nacional General Sarmiento, Argentina; prin-ciple investigator of Literature and Visual Cultre's projects. She has been a lecturer at the University of Göttingen, Köln and München, Germany. Mariona Masgrau Juanolahas a degree in Philology, and a PhD in Literature and Education; she is a professor at the Faculty of Education and Psycholo-gy at the University of Girona; she has been a lectur-er of Catalan at the Universität zu Köln and at the Universität Bonn. Her PhD is about visual poetry and didactics in literature with an intermedial ap-proach. ​
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