La riqueza (cultural) de los municipios. Honduras: desequilibrios y políticas de igualación entre la riqueza material y la riqueza cultural

Malta Luna, Juan Joseph
As unusual as it may seem, in the XXI Century, there is a lack of a method of measuring cultural wealth. Cultural goods are mistakenly required to have their respective mechanisms or profit levels, losing sight of their transformational value. The skewed utilitarian paradigm of development leads to the prevalence of the material wealth measurement over the measurement of cultural wealth. A review of theories, measurements and indicators, such as: national accounts, social national accounts, the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH); confirm that culture is an unincorporated variable, both in economic indicators and in development indicators. Consequently, it is proposed a Cultural Life Measurement Index (CLI). This index includes the following domains: Condition of education – human culture; Wealth of cultural capacities; Poverty of cultural dysfunctions; Culture of satisfiers; Culture of "happyfactors". We discover that true wealth is a function of cultural life. It is the desire for material wealth that makes people lose perspective and imbue themselves with a life of strong contrasts: between selfishness and solidarity; economic freedom of choice versus real poverty without freedom; poverty of vices and wealth of attitudes; needs and desires; pleasant and thankless things about life. It is the desire for material wealth that makes people lose perspective and imbue themselves with a life of strong contrasts: between selfishness and solidarity; economic freedom of choice versus real poverty without freedom; poverty of vices and wealth of attitudes; needs and desires; pleasant and thankless things about life. This and more constitutes the trap in the measurement of cultural wealth: without method of measuring culture, ignorance of the transformational value of culture, entangled by economisms and anxious by utilitarianisms ​
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