El apoyo de los y las educadoras como moderador del bienestar subjetivo en los niños, niñas y adolescentes en residencias de protección en Chile y Perú
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This research contributes by identifying factors contributing to increasing the subjective well-being of children in residential centers of Chile and Peru, allowing for their inclusion in children's intervention plans. This research is composed of two studies:
The first aims to examine the relationship between self-control and subjective well-being, looking at the moderating effect of positive day-to-day activities shared by the residential centre educators with young people from a bottom-up perspective
In the second study, we assess the relationship between the perceived abuse or negligence of school teachers and the subjective well-being of children and adolescents who live in residential care centers of Peru.
Conclusions relating to the design and planning of socio-educational actions in the residence following a social-ecological model are proposed. They consider the implementation of positive activities from a therapeutic approach as a way to counter the effects on the subjective well-being of abuses in children and adolescents. The support of educators and residence workers is fundamental to protect and increase the subjective well-being of children and adolescents in residential care.
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