Secondary school teachers' learning environments, specificities and considerations. Implications for educational practice and teacher training
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This article is based on the research project APREN-DO aimed at exploring how sec-ondary school teachers learn. Using an inclusive research approach and visual and nar-rative methods, we conducted the study with teachers rather than focusing on teachers. Twenty-eight secondary school teachers in the province of Barcelona (Spain) created their learning cartographies, showing what, how, where, with whom, and with what they learn. They then narrated their cartographies and discussed the notions of learning and educational practice in the 21st century. This paper summarizes the results and conclusions about teachers' learning environments, specificities and considerations regarding their learning, and their thoughts about educational practices. Finally, we present and discuss teachers' reflections and proposals for redesigning educational prac-tice taking into account the need to contemplate the different literacies and compe-tences that exist in today's society, encouraging student participation based on their interests and particularities, providing a space for affections and emotions, and prioritiz-ing the personalization of students' learning and the skill of learning to learn