¿Por qué AICLE? Un análisis de la literatura desde la perspectiva de los docentes de materias no lingüísticas
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Since its birth in 1994 until now, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has been seeing and implementing in different ways, depending on government or school policies or stakeholders' attitudes, which has caused a margin of vagueness about its definition. This is very important, because the European Union adoption of CLIL to support the aim of multilingualism has focused on the linguistic results at several levels and so the researches and surveys, although it is implemented mainly by subject teachers, who need to see the effectiveness from their point of view, not only linguistic. This paper reviews the literature, finding out the definition of CLIL as 'open environment of education', definitely suitable for subject teachers in order to be involved in its implementation. It is also underlined, taking into account the European Directives, how CLIL, in particular if taught through tools offered by new technologies, tend to achieve the students' global growth and their European citizenship, as well as to be the first step for a new kind of schooling