Apuntes sobre participación e innovación en servicios sociales: Una aproximación cualitativa

Palacín Bartrolí, Càndid
Muñoz García, Araceli
Boixadós Porquet, Adela
Objectives: This article has two main goals: a.) Identify the importance of family participation in organizational frameworks of basic care social services; and, b.) explore innovation and participation in the process and in intervention models through three axes: care devices and the centrality of social services as a point of reference in the territory; participate in innovation during intervention of social services; and the relationship between families and professionals inside these services. Methodology: It is a qualitative investigation in which 38 individual interviews and 9 discussion groups were carried out. A total of 125 people participated, of which 42 were families accompanied by basic care social services, 55 professionals and 28 management positions.Results: The findings focuses on proposals to change existing spaces and in communication policies developed in organizational frameworks. The emphasis of the agents in resignifying the spaces and the incidence in communication policies orients towards new questions centered on the role of social work, especially of a group and communitarian nature. Conclusions: From the results, some paths are outlined on how to think about innovation and proposals, beyond the hegemonic perspective of innovation of substitution or inclusion of “intervention technologies”. In the intervention process and in the professional relationship, it is essential to think and design new collaboration strategies between people, families and professionals in order to achieve mutual rapprochement and joint progress. However, open questions arise around the fact that some proposed innovations are part of the theoretical framework of social work ​
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