Dolor en el nounat prematur: un repte per a la infermeria: projecte de recerca

Contreras Alonso, Cristina
Background During the stay of a premature newborn in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), is exposed to multiple therapeutic or diagnostic procedures, such as capillary heel-lance blood sampling, which causes pain, discomfort and consequently, physiological alterations. Nowadays there are many non- pharmacological analgesia measures that can avoid neonate’s malaise and where the nurse has an important role to play. However, scientific evidence affirms due to a lack of knowledge of the collective, many preterm neonates do not receive the necessary analgesia during the procedure, causing hemodynamic destabilisation among other effects. A correct handling of neonatal pain will provide a better development and health status for early infants in NICU. Objective Evaluate the non-pharmacological measures applied by nursing staff and its effectiveness in the pain management of premature infant in heel-lance blood sampling Methodology Quantitative, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study that would develop during the month of January until November 2021. The study sample is not probabilistic and convenient of the nurses from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Doctor Josep Trueta University Hospital in Girona. A data collection grid will collect variables related to personal nursing data, the technique it performs, the measures it applies and newborn personal data. To assess the level of pain of the newborn before and after the heel-lance, will be used the PIPP assessment scale. Finally, the SPSS statistical software program will be used to perform statistical analysis of the variables and study whether they are statistically significant in 9 order to draw conclusions with the aim of improving the assisting practice of the nursing team in dealing with preterm infants’ pain ​
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