Percepció dels professionals sanitaris sobre l'aplicació de mesures coercitives en persones ingressades per problemes de salut mental: projecte de recerca

Comas Puigbó, Júlia
Introduction Coercive measures in mental health services are the methods used to modify behavior in situations where there is a risk to someone or those surrounding them. However, the application of these methods can have negative physical and psychological repercussions for that person. Although currently there are campaigns for the abolition of these methods, their practice in some healthcare services is still very common. The people who carry out coercive measures are health professionals who may unfortunately have internal moral conflicts arising from these practices as they may be confronted with their personal and / or professional ethical principles. For this reason, their perception of this subject is essential for the analysis of the care currently offered by mental health centers and other services, thus being able to evolve and improve day by day as equal human beings worthy and independent. Objective To know the opinion of health professionals in relation to coercive measures in people involuntarily admitted to hospitals due to mental health problems ​
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