Teaching Maths within a Transmedia Learning Approach. What Is It and How Sustainable Can It Be?
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This article addresses the concept of transmedia learning proposed by Jenkins from the perspective of the teaching–learning of mathematics and the sustainability of this type of processes. To this purpose, a scoping review of the literature has been carried out on the Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC, Dialnet and Google Scholar databases. The research process started with a total of 42 scientific documents, and after the corresponding selection process, a total of 14 documents were obtained. From the analysis of the selected documents, it was found that the teaching–learning transmedia learning processes in mathematics tend to be simple and aimed at a very young audience (usually children). Furthermore, most of them are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 concept of quality education. However, if sustainability is analysed from a more environmental perspective, none of them make explicit mention of it, although they tend to make responsible use of material resources