Equity crowdfunding y blockchain: evolución y tendencias de futuro del equity crowdfunding en España mediante la implementación de la tecnología blockchain

Montemar Parejo, Marc
In this work, Equity Crowdfunding platforms are analyzed from a global perspective, contextualizing their birth and growth in Spain following the outbreak of the 2008 world crisis, which deeply affected the banking sector, causing a strong restriction of the credit that it offered to companies. This paper begins with an evaluation of the different sources of alternative financing to banking, continuing with the review of the legal regime of these platforms and the analysis of the tax benefits derived from the investment obtained by those who invest in most of the companies that publish their projects in them, subsequently highlighting the development of Equity Crowdfunding platforms in Spain since 2011. The study is carried out both at national level and at the autonomous community level, incorporating the analysis of the number of projects and the volume of financing obtained by this type of platform, as well as the number of investors and the average amount invested. The data obtained showed a significant increase in the financing obtained through Equity Crowdfunding and, when compared with the rest of Europe, we see that the growth potential is still very high. On the other hand, we have witnessed how a completely disruptive technology known as blockchain has been developed in recent years. After analyzing the operation of this new technology, a proposal for application to Equity Crowdfunding platforms is formulated, verifying the important improvements that can contribute to the development of this type of alternative financing. Finally, the barriers and opportunities offered by the implementation of the proposal are raised ​
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