L’atenció precoç: efectes d’un programa d’estimulació neuromotriu domiciliari en la família del nounat preterme: projecte finalitzat
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Background. Scientific advances and in the field of neonatology have made it increasingly
possible for children to survive with a lower gestational age. The concept of Early Childhood
Intervention (ECI) corresponds to the set of specialized actions to prevent and intervene in the
child population that presents risk factors or developmental disorders, such as premature
newborns and their families. The family involvement in an ECI program has an effect on the
child's growth and development; and likewise, in psycho-emotional improvement and family
Objectives. Describe the family experience of living a preterm birth and the benefits perceived
by these families when they have been included in the neuromotor stimulation program for
preterm newborns, applied at home.
Methodology. This study is part of a broader study that follows a mixed methodology.
Specifically, qualitative methodology has been used for this research, considering this the most
suitable to reach the proposed main objectives. Case selection has been carried out by intensive
sampling by theoretical representativeness. Nine cases and eleven semi-structured interviews
have been designed. Based on the transcription of the interview, a categorical analysis has been
carried out in which eighty-eight codes have been identified, developing eleven final thematic
Results. The results obtained in this analysis allow us to approach the experience of suffering a
premature birth by the newborn's family, an aspect mainly described as unexpected and with a
markedly traumatic component. The emotional state that the family can develop, and especially
the mother, can even impact their physical and psycho-emotional health. It is also perceived as
a support resource that increases parental safety in the upbringing of the premature new born;
aspect that, at the same time, facilitates the bond with the child and improves the psycho-
emotional health of the caregivers.
Conclusions. The program benefits the premature newborn in their development and growth,
an aspect that improves the concern and uncertainty that the family may feel, and allows them
to maintain a more realistic perception of the child. Likewise, the distinctive character of being
a home program allows parents to take an active role in the care and development of their child,
something that must be markedly worked on and enhanced by the professional expert in ECI.
This multidimensional improvement means a gain in the quality of life of the mother and the