Sobre la Crónica do Principe Agesilao e da Raynha Sidonia, un curioso manuscrito de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Coimbra

Setkowicz, Katarzyna
Texto Completo
The aim of this article is to examine a portuguese manuscript entitled Crónica do Principe Agesilao e da Raynha Sidonia..., which up to now has been believed to be a translation of the third part of Florisel de Niquea by Feliciano de Silva and from the middle of the 16th cen-tury. Meanwhile, the author of the article shows that it is a later translation and made from the Italian version of the romance (realized by Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano). The analysis of the manuscript provides interesting data about the presence of chivalric romances in the eighteenth century and the modes of diffusion of this successful genre of Spanish Golden Age literature more than 100 years after its last editions in the Iberian Peninsula ​
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