El cambio de autoridad en la Nueva filosofía de la naturaleza del hombre (1587): la plasmación literaria de un afán reformador

This article deals with the literary analysis of the Nueva filosofía de la naturaleza del hombre (New Philosophy of Human Nature), 1587, a text, whose authorship is being disputed, focussing on medical and philosophical issues. The main intention of this analysis is to give an account of the interrelationship between the text’s reformist message and the literary form adopted: seven dialogues whose speakers show a characterization subordinated to the expression of a desire for improvements in medical, political and social areas. The attention given to the context of controversies taken place within the period of Spanish Renaissance medicine, the stance of humanist thinking on the human condition and government role,as well as the literary traditions in which this work places itself, are essential points in order to grasp its fundamental message: the defense of the use of reason in pursuit of happiness ​
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