Jardín contemplado y jardín leído: las Octavas de Gabriel de Henao sobre el palomar de los condes de Monterrey

Colón Calderón, Isabel
Texto Completo
In this article I study the 17th poem Octavas al palomar del conde de Monterrey, a su so-brina Doña María de Guzmán, by Gabriel de Henao. I suggest that the author intent when writing it was toget María de Guzmán to become his patron. The poem praises the 6th count of Monterrey, de María de Guzmán’s uncle, and the Conde Duque, de Guz-mán’s her father, portraying them as perfect rulers in an idyllic environment: Monter-rey’s garden. To emphasize this Henao uses the image of pigeons, which typicaly repre-sent peace and love ​
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