El álgebra temprana en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria: implicaciones para la formación docente

This study analyses the early algebra tasks present in a set of eight Primary Education Chilean textbooks of wide dissemination. The methodology used involves a qualitative approach of descriptive character, by means of the content analysis technique. The results obtained show a variety of mathematical tasks with a non-homogeneous distribution, with a predominance of rule-based relations tasks, more specifically, tasks involving the understanding of patterns, followed by known-unknown relations tasks and a minor presence of arithmetically-situated relations tasks. It concludes that it is necessary to provide training experiences to teachers that allow them to deepen in the analysis of mathematical tasks that promote early algebraic thinking to achieve an adequate selection and implementation of such tasks on the one hand, and on the other, to investigate the mathematical activity that students must develop for its resolution ​
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