Estadística en Educación Infantil: recomendaciones previas a la representación de datos
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The first part of this article presents several recommendations for Early Childhood Education teachers about the
stages prior to the graphical representation of data: the collection and organisation of data through tally and
frequency tables. The main characteristics of both content and aesthetics are indicated and, additionally, various
types of statistical tables are described. In the second part, the experience "Let's record our weight" is presented
and the levels of comprehension of tally and frequency tables of 39 Spanish 5-year-old children are analysed. The
results show evidence mainly of level 1 (reading the data) and level 2 (reading within the data), together with some anomalies and errors in the construction of the tables. It is concluded that the recommendations provided and the
results obtained contribute to a better understanding of what early childhood mathematics teachers should do
before representing data and, consequently, are a support for their professional development