Conocimientos matemáticos del profesorado de la Escuela Infantil (0-3 años): efecto en el diseño de espacios para desarrollar las matemáticas informales

This study analyses the mathematical knowledge of nursery school teachers in order to promote the development of the first intuitive and informal mathematical knowledge of children under 3 years of age, through the design of spaces and materials. A quasi-experimental study (Pre-Post) was designed, where before and after a training activity, the questionnaire "Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge in Nursery School" (CDM 0-3) was administered to 28 professionals. The results obtained show significant changes in mathematical knowledge and, consequently, in the design of spaces and materials offered to children under 3 years of age, increasing mathematical content and meaning. It is concluded that it is essential to provide initial and continuous quality training to ensure that nursery school professionals have the necessary mathematical knowledge to design spaces that are rich from a mathematical point of view ​
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