Contribucions pedagògiques del homeschooling

Bellmunt Borràs, Maria
Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, the historic milestone of having a free school place for all children in our country and in most developed countries was achieved. Universal and free schooling was intended to ensure educational equity and social cohesion. Years later, some adverse and critical reactions started to appear as a result of weaknesses of mass schooling. In response, some families chose not to school their children and to educate them at home. They are called ‘homeschoolers’. Although in Catalonia this type of education is not regulated, this group of families has not stopped growing. The challenges facing these families are many. On the one hand, the lack of legal legislature does not allow them to access academic qualifications; on the other, despite the great courage and commitment involved in devoting themselves to the full-time education of children, this non-recognition leads to social marginalization and misunderstanding. The purpose of this thesis is to know the reality of homeschoolers in our country and especially to focus on the less studied aspect of this group which is the pedagogy they use; the different methodologies, curricula and activities they carry out in their day-to-day work. In short, to know the pedagogical contributions they make to society ​
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