Argumentación en la matemática escolar infantil: Análisis de una actividad STEM usando la Situación Argumentativa en Conexión Interdisciplinar

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The presence of argumentation in a STEM activity implemented with 20 students of Early Childhood Education Grade 3 (5-6 years) is analysed. According to the interdisciplinary nature of the activity, where knowledge of mathematics and science is integrated, a variant of the Argumentative Situation, which considers both functional and contextual aspects of argumentation in early school mathematics, is used: the Argumentative Situation in Interdisciplinary Connection. The analysis of data shows that in the sequence of tasks, the main function of the argumentation is to explain and the character is narrative: the arguments are short and concise, they answer a specific question and use key expressions to show the relationship between its constituent elements. It is concluded the necessity of designing new studies with this analytical framework to consolidate these initial results ​
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