Un impreso desconocido de los Cromberger: los sermones castellanos de san Vicente Ferrer sobre el Anticristo (Sevilla, 1549) y su difusión en el ámbito de la Reforma
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An unknown imprint of the Crombergers: the Castilian Sermones of Saint Vincent Ferrer sobre el Antichristo (Seville, 1549) and its diffusion in the spanish Reformation circles.This article presents and analyzes the unique copy of a previously unknown edition of Los sermones castellanos de san Vicente Ferrer sobre el Anticristo, that was published by the Cromberger printing house (Seville: 1549). It is therefore a prior edition to the hitherto believed oldest edition of the work (Valencia: 1550), of which no copies have been preser-ved. Its existence leads to reformulating issues such as the origin of this collection, which can be associated with Sevillian reformist circles -many of whose ideas were printed by the Crombergers- and its dissemination among like-minded reformers and even among others who were regarded as Lutherans. In order to accomplish this, I will review both the book content and its proximity to reformist spirituality premises, as well as the material construction of this copy and its relationship with two other subsequent editions of this text of which we keep copies, printed in Valladolid (1557) and Toledo (1561)