El zeugma en el "Guzmán de Alfarache" de Mateo Alemán
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Zeugma is one of the most representative and challenging figures of speech in Mateo
Alemán’s Guzmán de Alfarache. At times Alemán employs this kind of omission for the
sole purpose of contrasting the habitual amplitude of the syntax, without making any
changes in the omitted term. However, there is another type of zeugma, the complex
one, where the missing term presents morphological or semantic variations. The study
of this rhetorical mechanism also shows some of Alemán’s stylistic preferences, mainly
due to the aim of entertaining the reader and also to the interest in avoiding the tedium
that could be caused by the constant repetition or symmetry. This type also evidences
the author’s wit, his expressiveness, and his faith in the intelligence of the readers. With
all this in mind, the aim of this paper is to present the conclusions drawn from the
analysis of the zeugma in the Guzmán de Alfarache, a book which combines variatio and
decorum, amplificatio and brevitas