Ramon Margalef, l’estany de Banyoles i els peixos

Professor Ramon Margalef was the most important Spanish ecologist. He inspired and trained more than a generation of Iberian and Latin American ecologists, either directly through his advice, conferences and lectures or, even today, through his articles or books, especially the monumental treatises Ecología and Limnología. We briefly review the knowledge of limnology and especially of the ecology of fish in Lake Banyoles. Classical limnology and ecology of inland fish have often been poorly linked for various reasons, essentially by many differences on their techniques needed, conceptual approaches, and spatial and temporal scales. Lake Banyoles also reflects this: although Margalef published one of his first works (in 1946) and directed two of his first doctoral theses on it, it was not until the late 1980s that the first research on fish started. Since then, four doctoral theses focusing on fish have been written and numerous research articles have been published in international journals, which we will briefly summarize here. We also suggest some questions for future research in Lake Banyoles ​
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