Sustained Loading Bond Response and Post-Sustained Loading Behaviour of NSM CFRP-Concrete Elements under Different Service Temperatures

Nowadays, one of the foremost procedures for strengthening concrete structures is the Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) technique. This paper presents an experimental study on the effect sustained loading and different service temperatures (steady and cyclic) have on NSM Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)-concrete bonded joints and their post-sustained loading load-slip behaviour. Four experimental campaigns using eight NSM CFRP-concrete specimens were performed by employing two different service load levels (15% and 30% of the ultimate load) and combining two groove thicknesses (7.5 and 10 mm) and two bonded lengths (150 and 225 mm). Two steady state temperatures (20 and 40 °C) and two cyclic service temperatures (ranging between 20 and 40 °C) were programmed. The slip obtained was proportional to the sustained load level. Furthermore, higher slips were registered for specimens under higher mean temperatures in the cycle. After 1000 h of sustained load testing, the specimens were tested under monotonic loading until failure (post-sustained loading tests). In general, the ratio between the post-sustained loading ultimate load and the instantaneous ultimate load was close to the unity, although some differences were perceived in series S2 (steady 37.7 °C) with a mean increase of 6.3%, and series S3-B (cyclic temperature ranging between 24.6 and 39.2 °C) with a mean reduction of 9% ​
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