¿Jugar o aprender? El aprendizaje lúdico en la formación musical del maestro
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The various methods and strategies of playful learning (game, gamification, simulation, etc.) have become elements of methodological innovation increasingly used in university teaching. This article presents the study on a gamified musical education practice, carried out in a core subject of artistic education of the Degree in Primary Education, with a group of second-year students (n = 90) from a Spanish university. The application is carried out in groups of five students, over six weeks, and the final implementation of the project is carried out with primary school students from the Middle and the Upper Cycle (8 to 11). Following a mixed, qualitative and quantitative, case study methodology, different aspects of the designed activities are coded and evaluated in order to be analyzed: a) the interactions among participants, b) the curricular musical contents, and c) the gamification strategies used. The results reveal a high degree of involvement, collaboration and adaptation to the curricular musical content, moreover, they underline game strategies linked to classification, obtaining feedback and challenges