Innovació i recerca responsables i processos de cocreació a l'educació superior
Texto Completo
This thesis is structured in two applied researches. One, focused on how to embed the transversal competence of sustainability to undergraduate studies at the UdG. The other promotes an innovation in teacher education, by applying the methodology of Challenge-Based Learning (CBL). Both share that they use co-creation processes, involving internal and external agents of the university community. With these studies, we seek to demonstrate that innovations and researches become responsibles, to higher education, when we incorporate co-creation processes involving stakeholders from the university community and social agents.
It focuses on the socio-critical paradigm, action research and participant observation. It establishes the phases of the co-creation processes, the types of participants, the data collection system and the analysis of the results in relation to the objectives. Its methodological rigor is assessed in relation to RRI and qualitative research. Conclusions and proposals for the future are established
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