Inter-limb asymmetries and sports performance: from assessment to the application of a sport-specific iso-inertial resistance training in young athletes

Madruga Parera, Marc
The asymmetries detected in the different multi-directional sports vary in magnitude depending on the test selected. Furthermore, in the individual analysis of the different tests administered, it was observed that athlete’s lower limb preferences depended on the test. Greater asymmetries were detected in the vertical jump test, the CODD variable, and the change of direction with inertial resistance test in multidirectional sports. The change of direction with inertial resistance test also enabled us to detect asymmetries in actions that approximate the actual sport. Moreover, the results showed that asymmetries have a negative impact on performance of the jump and the change of direction, and on speed in the linear sprint and the capacity to repeat the change of direction. Last, we were able to observe that iso-inertial training results in greater adaptations in performance and larger reductions in asymmetries than conventional cable-resistance training. We can also affirm that positive adaptations in performance caused by resistance training are not necessarily associated with reduced asymmetries ​
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