Indicació selectiva de "shunt" en l'endoarteriectomia carotídia, un nou mètode

The protocol followed in this thesis is to indicate the EAC according to the NASCET criteria. Closure of the arteriotomy with patch. The criteria to indicate this have been based on an original method, which takes into account the decrease in the mean pressure of the internal carotid artery, in the measure before and after the clamping of the common and external carotid arteries in EAC. In general, if it exceeds 20mmHg, it indicates the shunt, except in cases where the mean pressure of the internal carotid after the clamping of the common and external carotid arteries exceeds 60mmHg. 150 consecutive EAC have been analysed in 150 patients. The proposed method retains the conceptual criterion for shunt indication by lowering the internal carotid pressure during carotid clamping, with good results in morbidity and mortality and is a simple method to apply with conventional technology ​
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