El proceso de empoderamiento en jóvenes originarios del Cono Sur latinoamericano a partir de sus experiencias migratorias en Catalunya

This thesis investigates the empowerment processes of youngsters and young adults from the Cono Sur of Latin America who are currently living in Catalonia. The hypothesis defends the idea that the migration of people, during their youth period, could be an empowering process in itself. Based on 50 "Biograms A", 24 participants were selected and a “Biogram B” was administered to them. The data collected allowed the formation of an intentional sample of 12 youngsters, who participated in an in-depth interview which concluded with the graphic representation of their life itineraries. In order to know the strategies, opportunities and difficulties of the empowerment processes of the participants, Bourdieu’s theory of the capitals and the proposal of dimensions and indicators to analyse youth empowerment were used. The results confirmed that the characteristics of symbolic capital do have an impact on the opportunities of those youngsters within the fostering network ​
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