Formació antiracista per als professionals de l'acció social
Texto Completo
This article proposes a reflection on the need to make a firm commitment to the anti-racist approach as the central axis of policies related to immigration, integration, citizenship
and the way in our society we want to relate with people and groups who are defined as
“different”. The article argues that anti-racism, which should be the central axis of these
policies, has been left behind the institutional commitment to “interculturality” and this
has led to policies and actions of an anti-racist nature have been very underdeveloped in
our country. On the other hand, the article raises the key issues that should be addressed
in a proposal for anti-racist training aimed at professionals working in the social field.
According to the authors, some of the keys to training should go through: the development of their ability to recognize the different forms of racism; understand how racism
interacts with other axes of inequality; getting professionals to know and master resources
and strategies to deal with them; that they assume anti-racism as a commitment inherent
in their professional practice, and that they prioritize the care of victims and the empowerment of racialized people and other social agents who work to deal with the different
forms of racist discrimination
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