La necessitat de la integralitat en les polítiques públiques d'immigració

This paper aims to analyze what we consider to be one of the relevant aspects of public policies aimed at the integration of immigrants: how to make immigration policies a comprehensive public policy within public administrations. That is, policies that do not depend on a single administrative unit, but that each of the departments and areas assume it as a reality that is their own and that, at the same time, they design organizational, participatory and intervention structures that ensure the development of a single, coordinated and shared strategy. This is not a minor issue and largely denotes the view we have on the migratory phenomenon: if we think of immigration and immigrants from the stereotype of poverty and exclusion, it makes perfect sense to propose welfare policies designed for its execution from the social services; if we think of them from their complexity (we think, for example, that it involves all the dimensions of the people who, in one way or another, participate in the phenomenon), we will understand that they need a comprehensive, global, multidisciplinary approach. To the extent that we are convinced that what is needed is this second approach, we will raise the need to develop strategies for managing and implementing comprehensive immigration policies to promote immigrants to overcome the inequalities that affect them in many dimensions. We will also explain some of the most common obstacles to overcome and we will point out some recommendations to overcome them. Finally, we will present a couple of cases that exemplify good practices in the development of comprehensive public policies ​
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